We are at work, doing all that is necessary to provide the support and logistics for a world-wide mission family. We are praying for the salvation of souls around the world where our missionaries share the gospel with those in need of Jesus Christ. We rejoice when people are saved, as they grow spiritually and as they are grounded in the Word of God. Believers unite to form churches. Our missionaries train leaders to pastor each church. With the church in good hands, our missionaries move on and do it all again.
In its simplest form, this is the work of our mission family. Yes, there are other activities: Bible translation projects, medical missions, literacy work and disaster relief. There are radio ministries and short-term opportunities to serve. We reach out to orphans and those marginalized by society, from gypsy villages in Romania to the inner city. Our hope is to meet the spiritual needs of people for whom Christ died. Whatever the daily activity of our missionaries, our core Mission remains the same: to make Jesus Christ known, to see souls saved, and to build His church for His glory.
This is the mission of Baptist Mid-Missions.
Join us! You can be assured that your partnership will make an impact as we carry good news to a world that is waiting.