The Great Commission is an ongoing work of God that stretches out before us into the future. He has commanded us to take part, promising never to forsake us in our service. It is a joint effort of God and man as He works through His children to bring the Gospel to those who wait in darkness. It could be that your role in the grand story of God’s effort to redeem mankind from sin is to be a visionary giver, with a focus on the future.
At BMM Foundation we strive to provide the right giving tools for your use. There are a variety of options to help your effort to support the Great Commission through giving. We stand ready to assist you in structuring a gift that is tailored to your needs. May God bless you in your efforts at gift planning.

Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity provides fixed payments for life in exchange for a gift of cash or securities to Baptist Mid-Missions Foundation. Gift annuities are easy to set up and the payments you receive are backed by the general resources of Baptist Mid-Missions Foundation.

A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals, maintain control of your assets, and benefit BMM Foundation.

Best Type of Gift
Deciding on the right type of gift for Baptist Mid-Missions Foundation will involve balancing your desire to make a gift with other personal factors. You should consider issues such as tax benefits, your need for income, and preserving assets for your heirs.

Gifts from IRA
The IRA charitable rollover is now permanent and is a terrific way to make a tax-free gift to Baptist Mid-Missions Foundation using your qualified retirement plan. This gift may also satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD).